Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Alicia Calaway (Australia, All Stars)

Alas, another beloved player of mine who turned into an ugly bitter Betty on her 2nd play through.

How could you not love Alicia in Australia? Interestingly, she's one of the few women in Survivor history to be voted out for being a physically strong competitive threat to go along with her spunk and personality. She was a pretty solid player that was a nice addition to the amazing Australia cast. Unlike Jenna L, there was a lot of sense in asking Alicia back for another season.

Unfortunately, she was also a big addition to the biggest group of sore losers along with her leader Lex. Unlike Lex, who sounded as though he was trying to make an argument to a cause he believed in (stupid, petty, and wrong as it was), Alicia just came off as plain ol' pissy. And she turned into one more lady in my life to break my heart when the game show power of jury member fueled her flames as she aggressively berated Amber and Boston Rob in a rant that she must've practiced in a mirror at least a dozen times. Finally, she slammed the final nail in the 'suck' coffin when she cast her voted an spat a final, venomous 'fuck you' to Rob in a vote confession that sounded so rehearsed, it just threw her into a dimension of pathetic that she will never be able to recover from.

Jamie Newton (Guatemala)

The person who came closest to matching Judd's level of shit.

Jamie just wasn't a good person on the show. I first picked up on it when he voiced his dislike for Brianna by saying 'I like girls crazy and pretty. She's neither....' Huh. Sure your teammate on the outs of the group appreciated that one Jamie. Then there was the constant taunting like when he shrieked 'WHO'S SMILING NOW' to the losing team. So he's a pretty shit winner. More? Alright, what about the whining and bitching he did when the opposing team came over and nicely asked if they were interested in having a birthday party at their camp and relax for a day. Of course Jamie had to have a problem with this and whined about the enemy coming on their turf and it's stupid to go mingle with the enemy and typical douche-y shit. Is it any wonder Bobby Jon got all crazy-eyed at this turd? 

He also had a pretty weird idea of competing. Twice in the season, his team lost the match by a lot. Like it would take everyone a good couple of minutes to watch them get to the end. But Jamie, with some sort of competitive pride on the line, said 'no we're gonna finish! We're gonna finish' which caused his teammates to roll their eyes and mention the pointless-ness expending valuable energy to a challenge that was already over.

Shannon Elkins (Nicaragua)

What's up man-named-Shannon?

I'm sure going to the gym 6 hours a day and having a mother telling him how special he was made Shannon truly believe he was some sort of alpha male on his team cause he sure as hell did everything he could to show it off. But the only thing he had to show for it was a mouth that ran way too much. At first, there wasn't anything worth remembering him for. Typical 'Chase is watching her feelings cause she's a woman' crap.

Then the TC we know him for. Probst asks the usual 'hows it going so far Shannon' and Shannon just let loose. First he attempts to de-masculate Chase by calling Brenda his girlfriend, said he doesn't get any loyalty from 'home boy', and going the 15 year old route of calling Sash gay and the girls he's hooked up with are so much hotter then his. Alpha male bro...

Natalie Bolton (Fans vs Favorites)

A quick hypothetical: what if a group of men formed an alliance and began picking a group of ladies off one by one? In the process of doing so, the man alliance met up after every TC and laughed about how awesome they were because of how much more physically and mentally stronger they were then women. Saying 'if you can't beat them with these (points at bicep) then you can always beat them with these (points at head)." Seems kind of douche-y right? Now if you reverse the gender, you'd have the Black Widow alliance of Parvati, Cirie, Amanda, and Natalie. And everyone thought it was just sooooooooo awesome. -_-

I have no problem with women dominating in Survivor. Hell, I think overall they play the better game strategically and socially. However, I do have a problem with boasting about how incredibly smart and superior you are because you're gender is better then the other whether you be male or female.

So what does this have to do with Natalie? Well up until her alliance formed with Parvati, Amanda, and Cirie, Natalie had been pretty much invisible. Then she had a weird confessional out of the blue about how she's able to be more of herself because she's able to....backstab more.

Okay, so shes happy that she's more involved in the game. That's fine. But then she had all these odd sayings like how 'even though women are evil and manipulative, they totally are good people because we want people to have a good birthday which is why we're voting out James over Erik.' Um....what? You expect me to believe you're not voting for someone else because you're a considerate person in a vote where you have absolutely no stakes on the line? And you bring up the fact that it's a woman thing because...?

And now that she was getting more airtime, we were able to get a bigger grasp on her personality. And while I'm sure it was endearing for some, it came across as snobby and very unlikable for me. The best example I can think of is the chocolate cake item she got to share at an auction in which she turned around and barked 'okay Alexis, Cirie, do NOT hog the cake cuz I'm in a mood!' Ugh....

Lastly, there's the jury question: 'Hey Parvati. Lookin hot as hell today. So my question is how do you interpret how you play the game into the bedroom. Lolz.' Really Natalie? Why does being a jury member turn you into a frat guy trying to get laid? Weren't you on a team called 'fans'? Get her number after the show and quit being a pathetic star-struck mess and try being a fuckin Survivor player.