JP Calderon (Cook Islands)
Hey ladies. Good news: lots of pics of this guy in his underwear. Bad news: he's gay...
It's hard to not think of any memory of JP where he isn't being anything other than a total douche. In fact, that's kind of everything there ever was to JP as a character. First, he was in complete agreement with Ozzy's bonehead plan to lose a challenge on purpose to get rid of Billy. When Billy catches onto the plan, he talks about it at his doom TC where as it turns out, having your team want to rid of you so badly they lose a challenge on purpose kind of makes you feel like crap. True to his douchebag nature, JP scoffs at Billy saying he's trying way too hard to make himself a victim knowing full well Billy was going home. Like, what? You can't let a losing player speak his final thoughts?
Next, in a true fashion of justice, JP fucks himself over with his douche behavior. Feeling comfortable he won't be going anytime soon cuz muscles, JP takes a load off his feet by sitting on his ass and sniping comments that got on a lot of peoples nerves. Deciding to make an example out of him, many of the ladies on his tribe got rid of him despite the muscles he was advertising and he left with a dropped jaw.
Roger Sexton (Amazon)
Next up is the highly unlikable Roger from Amazon. There is a small part of me that sort of sympathizes with Roger. I'm sure living with a group of men several decades younger then you who would rather talk with their penises then their brains isn't easy. Then I remembered Rodger from Australia, Jake from Thailand, and Butch in the same season and remember they did it just fine and he goes back on my shit list.
Roger was just a cranky old guy who had a specific way on doing practically everything. If you had a different way on doing it, he had no problem telling you it was wrong in a way that made you feel he thought you were a dumbass. When Roger wasn't barking orders, he was barking his political views on gay marriage and gender equality. That went about as well as you might expect for him. Regardless of which side of alliances you were rooting for, I think everyone got just a little bit of glee when Roger received a landslide of votes he didn't even know he'd be getting.
Stacey Stillman (Borneo)
There really wasn't too much to Stacey other than she didn't like working a lot and that meant she didn't like bossy Rudy a lot which means she didn't really have a lot of moments that wasn't her snotting off about how disrespected she felt from mean, ol Rudy. It just made her come off as a lazy bitch. It didn't help her case that Sue chose not to go with the girl power strategy due to her lazy attitude as well. The only thing that separated her from Australian Jerri was Stacey's attitude was so bad they couldn't stomach keeping her over the million year old man for more than 9 days, thus she never got the negative popularity Jerri received.
....what's that? Her court case? Well, by my rule I don't factor it into her ranking, but honestly I think Stacey is just being a sore loser. I'm not sure how anyone can say they are so certain everyone had their minds made up until a producer somewhere interfered. But who knows? I could very well be wrong. Whatever the case, I don't find her to be a very likable person.
Val Collins (San Juan del Sur)
I'm sure there are many people out there who will be surprised that my least favorite SJDS cast member isn't the infamous John Rocker (more on him later), but Val turned out to be a huge disappointment. I thought for certain a cop who's been married to a fireman would come into Survivor with a strong competitive spirit and be able to hold her own in challenges.
Not only did she fail to do well physically in challenges, but she failed to play a good mental game as well. For whatever reason, Val decided to burn a bridge for a potential ally by lying to him about having idols she didn't have. You'd think being a cop, Val knew the common sense of if you're gonna threaten someone with an empty gun, you run the risk of them calling your bluff. If being a poor competitor wasn't enough, Val decided to also show she could be a mean bully when she attempted to make Baylor look like a liar and a fake by spewing stories about things Baylor did and said. The problem was Val was so unnecessarily nasty about it, she just came off as a sore loser lunatic who only wanted to get one last jab into making a young girl feel bad.
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