Mookie Lee (Fiji)
And the Fiji cast takes another hit.
The nicest thing I can say about Mookie is that he's a less douche-y version of Rocky. Rocky was 'super roid rage angry lunatic' douche while Mookie was more of your typical frat guy douche. But that didn't make him any less shitty.
And....that really sums up 85% of everything there was to Mookie. From mocking old man Yauman at the challenge to showboating his win against a struggling opponent in a gross food eating challenge to allying himself with people that are slightly less scummy then he was, there was nothing to root for in Mookie.
Daniel Lue (Amazon)
Huh. Hadn't realized up until now that I had two douche-y Asians in a row. That's kinda awkward.
Daniel is disliked for being a slighty less intense version of Mookie. But he was still a massive tool. His entire team pretty much summed him up as worthless in camp which made him a target early. And...ugh...look I can't say the Amazon season men made me proud of my gender but Daniel still managed to make himself stand out by acting incredibly embarrassing. Shaking the hands of all the hotties and awkwardly introducing yourself aside, he came off as pretty shitty when boasted about how full him and his team were from all the fish they were eating (I think he felt full from the bullshit personally) because he thought he was being 'hilarious' (cuz chicks love a guy who will kick them while they're down cuz it's funny)..
He was the 3rd one voted out for a reason.
Chet Welch (Fans vs Favorites)
Let me tell you all about the legacy of Survivor Chet Welch:
Huge, long time fan of the show Chet Welch finally made his dream come true. He was on his favorite show ever, Survivor. But his luck in the game was a Survivor fan nightmare. He was in a 7-3 minority group at the start and his team wasn't doing very well against the skilled veterans in challenges. And it was even worse for Chet since he had the challenge performer of a blind amputee in a wheelchair with down syndrome. But Chet was blessed with the lucky breaks of all lucky breaks: he was put on a tribe with a crazy man called Joel. Despite the horrible disadvantage it put Joel in, Chet was able to survive two Tribal Councils even though he was put on the chopping block for sucking in the challenges (under the weak answer 'no, I think I did okay even though I clearly didn't.')
But a tribe switch left him with only one ally: Tracy and he was once again put in harms way. But luck struck Chet yet again when a blindside began taking place that would ally veterans with noobs, take out a key power player, and give Chet a whole new breath of fresh life in the game long term. So how did this fan react? How did he take this second miracle that would help him in the game and also make this season a million times better?
He quit.
Yup. Turns out sucking in the game of Survivor really was hard on Chet. He was hungry, tired, miserable, and wanted to go home. This so called huge fan gave up when a huge opportunity fell in his lap and he did nothing but be a huge waste of space in the tribe (and he can't even admit that). And what really pisses me off? He couldn't even do it for his ally Tracy who stuck by him despite it being a terrible move for her and never swaying. I will always dislike Chet for that.
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