Friday, June 27, 2014

Lex van den Berghe (Africa, All Stars)

I remember how much I used to love Lex when I first watched him in Africa. But I also used to love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and then I grew up and found that crap disgusting. Point is, I now know a sore loser when I see one and Lex is nothing but if only the top sore loser out of the entire Survivor roster with maybe the exception of Russell Hantz.

Allow me to recap the story: in AllStars Lex had a key opportunity to take out Amber, an ex-member of the opponent tribe and was an easy target for his tribe to take out and even the numbers at merge for the two teams. But Lex thought 'naw, that's too easy. I'll exploit my outside friendship with Boston Rob to my advantage, spare Amber, and then Boston Rob will owe me and stand aside to watch me win the game.'

That's right everyone. Lex mixes personal relationships with his strategy which is as dangerous as mixing alcohol with rape. So of course we can imagine how personal Lex took it when Rob said 'I lied. Gonna go win this game we're all playing now...' After being voted out, Lex relished every minute of ripping Rob a new one in his jury speech because Lex can't admit when he fucked up.

You can see this same level of 'I feel so betrayed' bullshit from Lex when he approaches Tom in Africa. Teresa throws Tom under the bus in a last ditch effort to save herself and Lex gets on his high horse over it. And do I really need to go into why 'following your gut' as opposed to common sense is a bad idea?

Bottom line: Lex is a terrible Survivor player and what's worse, he has zero idea how to separate personal feelings with the game itself.

Candice Woodstock/Cody (Cook Islands, Heroes vs Villains, Blood vs Water)

Candice has been on the show three seasons and all three times she's done something that made me roll my eyes at her sheer stupidity.

And it's not like it had to be that way. I loved Candice when I first saw her on Cook Islands. She was a fierce competitor and seemed to have a solid head on her shoulders. But the latter soon was thrown out the window when she foolishly mutinied and was sucking Adams face. But none of that compared to her super shitty jury question when she asked a question to Yul that was purposefully designed to make him look like either a) a liar or b) a scumbag just because she's so insecure she needed to feel smarter then him for a brief moment. Yay for jury power abuse.

Her IQ apparently didn't go any higher when she foolishly jumped from her Heroes team (who'd she blow to get on that tribe?) into the awaiting arms of Russell Hantz despite Sandra spelling out for her why it was a bad move. And then in Blood vs Water she got all 'you mess with my man, you mess with me' which is an attitude that only annoys and pisses off everyone else.

Katie Gallagher (Palau)

I hear a lot of criticism thrown Tom's way for his bullying on Ian and how he's the ugliest piece of scum there is in Palau, but I think Katie's behavior toward Ian was much worse.

In case I'm unclear, Katie decided to leave her old alliance of Ian and Tom for Gregg and Jenn. At a reward challenge, Ian and Tom's suspicions became confirmed when Katie knocked out Ian over Gregg (arms behind her back, batting her eyelashes and saying to Ian 'would you hate me' in that cutesy voice women do to get their way without looking like the bad guy). In a last ditch effort to save themselves, Tom and Ian joined up with Caryn and told Katie the vote was for Caryn. At the last second, Ian informed Katie that the vote was really for Gregg and unless Katie wanted to risk going home on a rock draw, she should switch her vote to Gregg which she begrudgingly did.

Then at another challenge, Ian picked Tom over Katie for a dinner and Katie handled it the only way Katie knew how: pouting, giving Ian the cold shoulder, and making Ian feel like he was the piece of crap for going back on his promise to her when she was the one who was planning on betraying him. Even going so far as to sob because she was just sooooooo hurt by the way he handled himself.

She got even worse when she brought up how pissed she was at Ian for his last minute move to take out Gregg at a TC. When Probst pressed Ian on it, Ian replied 'what benefit does it serve me to tell Katie earlier or later' to which Katie responded 'because then I have more time to think if I want to go with Gregg and Jenn or not.' Yeah that's right, this whole pissy attitude she had towards Ian was over the fact that he did not give her more time to think about screwing him over.

There's the other stuff like whining that Tom is being mean to her and loving how easy the game is for her when she did near nothing to earn any of it, but this is the key moment that makes Katie my most disliked Palau member.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jenna Lewis (Borneo, All Stars)

You know, I'm sure I could make some sort of joke that thanks whatever dude was in Jenna's....'special' video for putting something in her mouth that would prevent us from having to listen to her speak more, but it's just too easy.

Yes, Jenna is my most disliked Survivor original. I didn't like her in Borneo and I sure as shit didn't like her in All-Stars. In fact, she was one of only two castaways in season 8 that I believe didn't offer any sort of All Star purpose. She wasn't a strong strategist or competitor like Rob C or Tina, she wasn't exactly super popular like Colby or Big Tom, and she wasn't memorable like Jerri or Richard (in fact, I believe I read that Jenna was actually a backup and was flown out when Colleen turned down the offer, which made much more sense, but did it have to be from Borneo?).

Jenna's main problem is her annoying personality. She has a mouth that can go a mile a minute (insert easy 'leaked sex video' joke here), a voice that makes her sound like a 45 year old chain smoker, and a bitchy attitude. She bitched about Shii Ann being too annoying (the irony), she bitched about Elisabeth crying too much, and bitched that winners have no right to be playing Survivor for a second time which takes the cake in terms of awful reasoning to want to vote a person out.

Ghandia Johnson (Thailand)

Like Robb, Ghandia is an example on why being an invisible, boring personality is sometimes better than being memorable.

We all know the moment I'm talking about. Ghandia felt violated by her teammate Ted and just exploded. Let me be clear on something: I don't buy Ted's story. I don't buy that in some half-asleep state, Ted used Ghandia as a horizontal stripper pole thinking it was his wife. But regardless of if Ted is telling the truth or not, Ghandia didn't exactly handle it full of class herself. Instead of working it out between her and Ted and/or after the game was over, she decided to use it as a way to boot Ted off, skewing her story to make Ted look worse then he did in the incident. Then when she got wind that Ted denied the thing entirely to others (which to be fair, was something he shouldn't of done) she decided to bring her entire team and two bystanders into an awkward situation that involved her throwing a fit that would've made Brandon Hantz bow his head in embarrassment for being associated with her. Some may have seen an emotional woman who's feelings boiled over, but I just saw....well....Clay summed it up best, I think.

And it isn't just that particular moment. Ghandia also displayed some bad personality traits as well. She just seemed like someone so eager to be awesome at anything she could so she jumped out of the boat in the first immunity challenge, botched up the puzzle, and solely lost the challenge for her team. And not in a admirable way. Especially after the way she sobbed back to her beach yelling angrily 'those lucky bastards (which, if you're referring to the fact that Sook Jai decided not to pick you on their team, then yeah. I suppose they were lucky)! She wasn't someone I wanted to see a lot of and I was very happy to see her go.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Robb Zbacnik (Thailand)

It's ironic cause Robb was probably the biggest personality in a season season filled with borewhores.

You know those types of dumb, punk kids we all get annoyed with. You know, they probably smoked when they were 12, wear pants that are 4 sizes too large for them, talk way too loud and aggressively to cops, teachers, parents, and other authoritative figure, can't keep a job for more then a few weeks cause they don't go when they don't feel like it, and are just a total waste in human society? Well that's what I think when I look at Robb. Just a punk moron who tries way too hard to be relevant in things he has no idea about. Like Survivor or choking people.

Oh but there's more underneath his thick skin everyone. Robb is totally deep and meaningful. Just look at his pitiful moment in his boot episode where he sobbed about how important loved ones were and how much he just missed his father. I mean, I get it was supposed to be a moving moment, but it just reaked of sappy, over-the-top, pathetic, awkward, 'I'm-totally-not-just-a-loud-less-popular-Fairplay'-ness. If he didn't suck so bad, I may have bought it, but he did.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lisi Linares (Fiji)

We've had plenty of awful jurors in Survivor and Fiji wasn't in any short supply. but in my opinion, Lisi holds the title for worst juror in the history of the show. It's not just that she's a sore loser or she's bitter or she used her juror power as an excuse to make wild, wrong accusations only to instantly snap at the person for making an attempt to defend themselves. No Lisi goes beyond that. Lisi will take her juror authority and use it to try and make an uneducated person look stupid on TV.

We all know what I'm talking about. Her 'how many zero's are in a million' question. That has got to be the most trashiest thing a juror has done. Worse then Alex, worse then Lex, worse then....anyone really. Somebody she didn't like beat her and instead of accepting it, Lisi decided to try and humiliate him because she sucks as a human being.

It doesn't help her case that the nutcase is also fuckin annoying. 'I'm so pissed to be going to Exile. I want to quit. I want to stay. I like you guys. I hate you guys.' She was so indecisive I'm not entirely convinced there's no unused footage of her throwing away voting parchment from changing her mind so much.

'Johnny Fairplay' Dalton (Pearl Islands, Fans vs Favorites)

You know it really blows my mind how many people consider Fairplay an awesome Survivor character. He's not. He's just a loud, obnoxious kid just begging to still be relevant. Remember his comment about finding the bottle in the water with a message saying his grandmother died before giving off that douchey laugh of his? Yeah that's right. 9 seasons later and Fairplay is still trying to remind us of the one thing we remember him for because what else does this idiot have?

Does it really need to be said? Fairplay sucks. He's annoying, loud, has a terrible personality, dumb, and has no spine. He's the prime example of that moron you meet at a party that mentions 'oh yeah and I'm a father' and you're immediate thought is 'oh God, that poor thing....' As Probst said, he's not just a failure in the game but he's a failure at life and it's never more evident then when he's on a Survivor show trying to act like he knows what he's talking about. Fuck this guy for taking up a perfectly good slot in season 16.

Alex Angarita (Fiji)

Yet another example of someone who should not be given any sort of authoritative power as he would abuse the shit out of it. Lisi might be the worse juror of all time, but Alex comes in close second.

And it's such a shame because up until his jury speech, I really liked Alex. His biggest offense was aligning himself with people I disliked much more then the people they were going up against. But he seemed like a decent enough person

Which is why I was so surprised when he went absolutely apeshit on Cassandra out of nowhere. I don't know if Alex figured he should do something he considered was awesome because he's a lawyer, but he just ended up looking like a total prick because of it. His accusation that Cassandra simply used Stacy to her benefit until she didn't need her anymore was so illogical it was like watching an episode of Nancy Grace. Just making up wild accusations all over the place and waiting to see what would stick. And instead of listening to her defense, Alex took his senseless attitude a step further and basically did everything in his verbal power to make sure no one had any idea what she was saying.

"You are mistaken! It doesn't matter! I have all the information! You don't get to speak!"

And then he says 'maybe if I said it in Spanish! Edgardo, would you like to translate?!?!?!' which wasn't just stupid, but made no fucking sense. The entire scene made so little sense I'm not entirely sure there wasn't something we didn't get to see off camera. But given the way Alex was, the way Cassandra was, and how little Stacy seemed to care about whatever awful thing Cassandra did to her, I'm willing to bet this was just Alex using his final on camera moments to try and look like some sort of wicked, badass lawyer but just ended up being another Rocky. It might have been Alex's one true 'ugly' moment, but it's so bad he jumps straight to the bottom of the pile.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Judd Sergeant (Guatemala)

Jesus Christ do I hate this guy. I really hate this guy. I hate this guy! I hate his voice, I hate the way he talks, I hate his attitude, I hate his shit-eating grin, I hate his philosophy on life, I hate that he still has life. I haaaaaaaate Judd.

In fact, I'd say the only good thing that came out of Judd was miserably failing at multiple things because of what a huge dumbass he was. Case and point: the first hidden immunity idol. At TC, Jeff asks Judd if he has some sort of morale compass when he plays the game. Rather then just replying 'no', Judd decides to make a big show of it and ramble about how he's never lied but everyone else is lying all over the place. When pressed, he continues by calling out Gary and saying Gary is making deals with everyone he can when Gary, in an example of pure brilliance, calls Judd out on his own lie about where the HII was hidden. Judd has no choice but to smirk, use 'I'm a bad liar' as an excuse for everyone to forgive him, and put on his best shit-eating grin.

That moment is only fun cause it was at Judd's expense though, which, unfortunately, didn't happen too often. Watching Judd outright bully Margaret and then rub salt in her wounds when she was voted out was disgusting. Having him blow up at everyone after he stole someone else's beer and get all defensive about it only to have an interview where 'he deserves more beer then the rest of them' made me want to shove his arm through a table saw. Hearing him say 'man' at the end of every FUCKING sentence was like getting hit in the temple by a sledgehammer.

I had a cigarette after his demise. Was sooooooo good to watch.

Alicia Rosa (One World)

Colton's awful partner in crime.

The main thing that made me really despise Alicia was her weird way of bitching about how awful Christina was after she went to the men and negotiated a way to get them to help them out. You remember how awful those women were doing at the start of the game? I sure as hell do. I remember the women were just flat out helping themselves into the mens camp and sitting by their fire to the point the men had to tell them ''re our enemy. You have to go.' And then I remember Chelsea getting all pissed off about it and sobbing about how cold her hands were and saying the men were just so mean for not just giving them free stuff. They were miserable. So Christina decided to help out the team by swallowing her pride and asking if the men would make them a fire and in return the ladies would roll up some palms. Sounded reasonable. So Alicia interviews how happy she is that they finally figured out a plan to get something they so desperately needed right? Of course not. Instead she complains that Christina is being too nicey nice and Alicia wants to weave the palms at her camp, not the mens.

Now I wasn't completely in love with the way the guys treated the women (stealing an ax, asking them to get naked and all that), but this was the only scene I can remember where the women actually made progress with getting the dumbasses to help them. I thought that was pretty cool, but Alicia was such a PoS that she decided to make the whole situation an issue. How and why would you take 'hey we're finally getting fire' into 'I want to punch Christina in the face for trying to make nice with the the other team'? That's what crappy people do.

Of course, she only got worse. She not only cackled hilariously at Coltons nasty comments, but actually tried to be a bigger shit stain then him. She deliberately tried to be the biggest headache she could be by leaving little to no room for Christina in the shelter, calling her nasty names, and even comparing her to her special needs students. Stay classy Alicia.

I'd say fuck her, but I'd hope people would have better standards then that.

Joel Anderson (Fans vs Favorites)

I said it once before and I'll say it again: Joel single-handedly destroyed his tribe way more than Russell Hantz ever did. And that infuriates me.

I was really rooting for the Fans in Micronesia. I truly was. I didn't want to see a whole season of the veterans mopping up the floor with the noobs. But thanks to Joel's shitty attitude, low IQ, and piss poor strategy, he couldn't of paved the roads for the favorites any better if he knocked out the kneecaps of his teammates with lead pipes.

There was zero keeping Chet over Mary and Mikey. I can appreciate taking out a threat in the game, but on day 6? What the fuck sense does it make? Mikey could not have phrased it any better: Joel was too busy playing a long-term game and not playing a team vs team game that would help keep his team united and help him later on down the road. And what was the huge plan that Joel became so intimated by it warranted an entire game suicide? A simple idol split. That's right. Parvati is partially a millionaire because Mikey had the kuh-razy idear to split the votes a specific way due to an idol. Not even a hidden idol. In other words, 'smart man make big sense. Smart man scare Joel! Help me team Joel team. Joel can't think too much cuz it make Joel brain itch.' I will not understand why you would want to make your majority alliance smaller and keep the minority alliance who hates you all over one meh move thought up by another guy.

And can I just take a minute to say how much I loooooooooove the fact that his poor strategic game came to bite him in the ass? He righteously got what he deserved. An early and humiliating kick in the ass on the way out the door by the very people he despised.


That's Agent Lex's Top 10 most disliked Survivors.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Russell Hantz (Samoa, Heroes vs Villains, Redemption Island)

Here's the little hobbit.

Russell is a person you either really like or really dislike. If you're the delusional type of person who thinks Russell 'is the true winner' or have a 'bitter jury' concept then chances are we all know what camp you fall into.

Let me make it clear: I don't think Russell is a bad Survivor player. On the contrary, he's pretty good. But that's it. He's good. Not great, not amazing, not 'the Babe Ruth or Michael Jordan of Survivor.' A solid 7 out of 10 player. Maybe 8.5 on a good day. But nowhere near the caliber Russell and his followers believe.

And right there is the main issue with Russell. Russell wants credit for anything and everything he can get his tiny, gremlin hands on. There isn't anything wrong with taking pride in your accomplishments, but Russell's self-entitlement was so terrible and douchey, he couldn't keep it hidden from 2 juries. And that's the main reason why he lost and will never be a great player.

Russell's self-entitlement is so awful he even pats himself on the back for things he either a) didn't do on his own or b) aren't even that impressive. So you lied about being in a hurricane? Big deal. Frat boys do shit like that all the time to get laid at bars. You want all the glory for booting Marissa? Well shit man, call up Ghandia, Tijuana, and LaGrossa and let them know how amazing they are cause they pretty much threw a name out that their teams ate up with their seasons first boots too.

Shit, even finding an idol without clues isn't that impressive. You found it under a bridge and in a giant, fucking hole in a tree in the middle of your campsite. Anyone with the time on their hands that you had can do that. And now that people realize it can be done, Survivors are doing it left and right. Some in actual, real hiding places.

What makes Russell even worse is it's that asshole behavior that got us started with all the awful 'veterans vs noobs' trudge that Survivor is just now finding its way out of. Think about it, Russell doesn't act like a douche on Samoa, he doesn't get called back for HvV cause it's 'good TV' and doesn't gloat about beating Boston Rob at the reunion which doesn't prompt Rob to challenge him and 'kick his ass' out on the island and give the producers that shitty idea. Hope you remembered to give Russell a big thank you on his answering machine Rob.

And can we take a moment to just talk about how delusional this guy is? How can a guy be 0 and 2 and still boast that he's better than a player who's 2 and 2? How can you talk about having so much love and respect for the game and then say you only lost because it's broken? How can you lose season after season after season and still say you're game is perfect without learning a damned thing? I just....I can't...I don't understand how anyone can be this mental...

NaOnka Mixon (Nicaragua)

If I believed that NaOnka gave a shit about Survivor, I would probably think she just copied Jenna Morasca's strategy of ostracizing people she didn't care for and then multiplying her disdain for them 500 times too far. I'm not sure if anyone really has a memory of NaOnka that doesn't involve her being a complete bitch. Whenever she felt like she was being disrespected or didn't like a particular person, NaOnka sure made sure her opinion was heard loud and unclear. Oh yeah, and fuck whoever didn't like her attitude cause that's just the way she is. Translation: I can be as loud and obnoxious as I want cause it's your problem, not mine.

And that pretty much sums up everything NaOnka brought to the show, just a nasty attitude and a quit. She didn't like the people, she didn't appreciate the experience, and as I said, she didn't even care about Survivor in the first place. That might not of been so bad if it didn't take up 3/4ths of the season, but at least she was decent enough to quit on her own accord and spare us from even more of her garbage.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Colton Cumbie (One World, Blood vs Water)

The only thing that's worse than using racism as an excuse to justify your behavior is actually being a racist.

Okay, that's a little unfair, I don't actually believe Colton is a racist. I just think he's a really dumb kid who doesn't fully understand how to keep his mouth in check. Colton is a kid who spent the majority of his season whining. And I don't mean just the typical 'it rained so much and I'm coooooold' stuff we've grown accustomed to hearing at least once a season. I'm talking grade-A, top shelf, bring-out-the-good-cheese-and-pour-me-a-glass-of-that-high-quality whine. When he was on the mens tribe, he whined that he had nothing in common with any of them despite doing dick-all to try and fit in with them. When he hung out with the women's team, he eventually grated on their nerves so badly they had to send him away which led to another confessional of Colton whining that nobody liked him and he had no where to go. Finally, the tribes were reshuffled and Colton was put on a tribe with one of the person he got along best with: Alicia. So that should be enough to lighten his spirits right? Nope. After a brief whine that the other tribe has all the muscle and losing a challenge, Colton lets the power run to his head as he and Alicia bully the living shit out of Christina. I don't know what she did to deserve such hatred from the duo (as well as a few other castaways who had some awful comments about her), but when Colton gleefully told Christina to go lie down in the fire and cackled at his own hilarious joke, a ruptured appendix was just what I was hoping for (while he was on fire, but I'll take what I can get).

It isn't like he learned a lot when he returned for BvW either. After a couple interviews where he talks about how he hoped he could redeem his image, he spent the first interview crying about being away from Caleb for a whole 2 days and then crying about feeling like an outsider his whole life to crying that nobody wanted to strategize at camp to eventually crying himself out of the game entirely. Ugh....

Colton is the kind of person Joffery from Game of Thrones would be if you stripped away all his power and authority. He sucks. He sucks badly.

Brandon Hantz (South Pacific, Caramoan)

It's ironic isn't it? You come on Survivor to save the family name and yet you come out looking worse than the guy who fucked it up for you in the first place.

Brandon's....most memorable moment aside, he was awful. First off, I didn't have a care in the world about him being a Hantz. All families have that one member they wish to sweep under the rug before their boy/girlfriend gets to them. But Brandon wanted to be damned sure everyone got the memo that he was a totally different person. 'Hello America, yeah I'm a Hantz, but cross my heart I'm trying to be different.' 'As Russell's nephew, I feel a large amount of pressure to being on Survivor. I'm trying to play a completely different game then him.' 'I cut my hands at the challenge. Hey, speaking of Hantz, did I mention I am one. I got it tattooed on my back for Christ sake.' It just got stupid. And it's not even that interesting a character arc. 'Oh hey, that kid is totally different from another member of his family. That's only the plot point of every mediocre sitcom ever.'

Which made me really doubt all the religious talk was even real. It just seemed like he read a book written by a Twilight fanfiction writer on how to change your image to the world and it said 'oh yeah, be sure to mention how fond you are of the Christianity religion' so he made time for it in between his family tree chat. But it was worse then that. It turned out Brandon was totally sincere about the stuff he was saying. And hey, that's fine. However you wanna live and all that. But Brandon took the entire Catholic mindset and used it as his guiding thinking light. 'Mikayla is trying to seduce me with her hot body. As a Christian, I should vote her out so I don't stray.' C'mon Brandon. Don't use religion as a shield for your rape urges.

Brandon was also so weird with his thinking process too. I mean, did he ever once follow through with something he said he'd do? First he was never going to tell anyone he was a Hantz, then the guilt ate him up so he told them. In Caramoan, he walked around talking about how he wanted to quit the game and then a few edits later and he's talking about how he changed his mind again. And I'm sorry, but I've seen the episode 3 times and I'm still not entirely sure I know what would cause Brandon to think giving up immunity was a good top 5

So yeah, all this combined with the ugliest moment in the history of the show earns Brandon a spot in the top 3 most disliked Survivors.

Corinne Kaplan (Gabon, Caramoan)

Corinne isn't a person who had a chance in hell of getting very high. She was nasty, rude, and unnecessarily pissy towards people who would nonchalantly say 'well I didn't really know who to vote for so I was gonna vote you just cause. (shrug).'

But no, Corinne gets this low for the exact reason you expect: her nasty comments aimed at Sugar. Allow me to refresh your memory:

'Sugar, you're an unemployed, uneducated leech on society and the only thing I would vote to give you is a handful of antidepressants so that no one else has to be subjected to your constant crying anymore and maybe if you got some then it would seem a little bit more sincere when you are crying about your dead father.'

That's bad enough on its own, but what I found even more infuriating was her pathetic excuse for it at the reunion show. Corinne explained that the reason she makes the comments we saw was because she's just one of those special gems that speaks her mind without using a filter like most people do. Whatever she thinks, it's what she says.

Um...first of all, no. That's the kind of bullshit people pull out of their ass when the cops ask them why they have pot in their glove compartment. People don't go throughout their day-to-day lives thinking 'okay brain, remember. Don't take the thing the person is most sensitive about and throw it into their face.' People Decent human beings just know not do that cause it's awful behavior. Second, what is the difference in filtering what you say to avoid certain topics and filtering what you say to make what you say hurt as much as possible. Just listen to what Corinne said. She obviously put some time into thinking about what she was gonna say and she obviously phrased it in a way to hurt as much as possible. You know, like she filtered it. Just another flawed argument from a flawed person.

Shamar Thomas (Caramoan)

Well so far, we're 5 entries in and 4 of them have been involved in the Caramoan season. That's not a coincidence CBS. Your casting sucked that season!

Does it really need to be said about Shamar? The guy maybe had 2 moments on camera where he wasn't a complete douche. Shamar was lazy, opinionated, loud, arrogant, rude, stupid, stubborn, immature, childish, worthless, and was only along for the ride as a tool. . Glad I got this guy fighting for my team -_-

Which I thinks says a lot about Shamar. I realize I'm only speculating and this is only going off an edit, but Shamar seems like one of those people who served time in the military and now feels entitled to everything life has to offer him. Not generalizing all war veterans, but we all know the type of person I'm talking about. Somebody did a few years living the hard life as a soldier, and then get back home to treat the world like their personal door mat and demand the respect from everyone they come in contact with. Shamar's attitude was awful and may he never return for a second season.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Phillip Sheppard (Redemption Island, Caramoan)

Over 400 players to choose from and yet the choice for 'most disliked, vile disgrace of a human being' couldn't of been more easy. There are many reasons to hate Phillip but I think what it all boils down too is he is not a person who loves Survivor; he's not a person who came to have an adventure; hell, I don't even think he gives a shit about winning a million dollars. He's just a man who loooooooooooves being in the spotlight (as if walking around in pink tighty whities isn't enough of a clue). He's a man who relishes in the in the sun and spouts dumb stupid shit cause it's the best way he can guarantee himself extra TV time. Every one of his personal interviews is about a vision he had or about whooping kids in basketball or how he's just so smart and everyone else doesn't respect him and blah blah blah. You can even see it in the way he performs in challenges: yelling 'tribal screams' at players (and fuck that editor who made it look like it was working) and his showboating behavior as he threw bags at boxes.

But Phillips not only a guy who loves to ear rape you by flapping his gums. No, his lack of IQ also makes him a terrible Survivor player. Now there isn't anything particularly wrong with being a bad Survivor player, some people just don't have the chops. But Phillip can't admit defeat, oh no, he has to go around and make everyone know he's right and you're wrong with his piss poor argument that he 'studied under the game of Boston Rob' which um...a) no you didn't, b) even if you did, it's not what you should be doing, c) even if you did, you're doing it wrong and a bunch of other flawed reasons that we don't have time or letters in the alphabet for.

But the worst thing, the WORST FUCKIN THING about Phillip is he's a man who does not accept responsibility for his actions. The perfect example were his accusations of racism towards Steve for having the gull to tell Phillip to stop being such lunatic. After making it his personal mission to make the former Zapatera members as miserable as he could by outcasting and verbally thrashing them on a regular basis, Phillip decides he's entitled to a portion of the rice they brought over despite the former Ometepe members not even sharing their shelter with them, because in Phillips world, it's only fair to share everything equally except for the stuff his team won on his own. When Steve steps up and tells him they should at least console another member of their group on it, Phillip responds the only way we expect Phillip too and goes fuckin ballistic. Steve tells Phillip to stop acting crazy and BOOM! Phillip is pulling out the race card and throwing a whole bunch of stupid bullshit to anyone willing to give him the time of day.

Now I want to be careful with the way I phrase this cause racism is a real thing and as a white male, I don't want to act as though I pretend to know more about it than people within the ethnic minority, but as someone with an opinion on this particular incident, I find this behavior atrocious. Phillip gets to yell, scream, kick, and whine all damned day about getting his way and when somebody finally calls him out on his behavior, Phillip gets out of it the only way he knows how by taking a sensitive subject like racism and throwing it back in their face. He doesn't have to explain his disgusting behavior, it puts the attention on somebody else; and Phillip gets to walk away feeling like he didn't do anything wrong. Oh yeah, and he goes ahead and steals the rice out of the container anyway cause hey, he's already made himself out to be an ass so he might as well go the full mile right?

Phillip isn't just the worst kind of Survivor, he's the worst kind of person. As Malcolm said, he takes the fun out of a game, not only for the players, but to the viewers as well. Fuck you Phillip Sheppard. I hope to never see you within 100 miles of this show ever again.

So there you are, the first entry in the ranking. Promise not all of them will be this long, but there is so much wrong with Phillip, it couldn't be explained in a single paragraph.

The Start of 'Every Survivor Ever' Ranking

So if it wasn't already clear, I love Survivor and I love rankings. So I decided now that Cagayan has ended, today seems just as good a time as any to announce the latest project I've been working on: the ranking of every single Survivor to ever play the game from my personal least to most favorite.

Here are the rules of the list:

1) This is strictly people I like based on what I've seen on the show and how I personally interpreted what I saw. Nothing to do with how the Survivor played strategically (although that can factor in on how I personally like or dislike somebody).

2) To keep things simple, the only thing that is considered is how a player was during the time on the TV show including the reunion. Nothing to do with their behavior on facebook/twitter/ect., where they are now, ponderosa, secret scenes, news footage, interviews outside the show, or edit. The reasoning is cause 1) there are simply too many Survivors for me to research and get a grasp on if their personality matches what we saw on the show and 2) even Survivors who do pull out the 'poor edit' card can't be taken at face value simply cause of all the reasons they may have to try and save face. This is strictly based on what was said and done while they were in the game. As a result, there may be Survivors I greatly dislike who may be perfectly awesome people and vice versa.

3) As time goes on, my opinion on players may change. Don't be surprised to see Survivors moved around from time to time.

The bottom of the barrel will be posted soon. I hope you enjoy ^_^