We all know what I'm talking about. Her 'how many zero's are in a million' question. That has got to be the most trashiest thing a juror has done. Worse then Alex, worse then Lex, worse then....anyone really. Somebody she didn't like beat her and instead of accepting it, Lisi decided to try and humiliate him because she sucks as a human being.
It doesn't help her case that the nutcase is also fuckin annoying. 'I'm so pissed to be going to Exile. I want to quit. I want to stay. I like you guys. I hate you guys.' She was so indecisive I'm not entirely convinced there's no unused footage of her throwing away voting parchment from changing her mind so much.
'Johnny Fairplay' Dalton (Pearl Islands, Fans vs Favorites)
Does it really need to be said? Fairplay sucks. He's annoying, loud, has a terrible personality, dumb, and has no spine. He's the prime example of that moron you meet at a party that mentions 'oh yeah and I'm a father' and you're immediate thought is 'oh God, that poor thing....' As Probst said, he's not just a failure in the game but he's a failure at life and it's never more evident then when he's on a Survivor show trying to act like he knows what he's talking about. Fuck this guy for taking up a perfectly good slot in season 16.
Alex Angarita (Fiji)
Yet another example of someone who should not be given any sort of authoritative power as he would abuse the shit out of it. Lisi might be the worse juror of all time, but Alex comes in close second.
And it's such a shame because up until his jury speech, I really liked Alex. His biggest offense was aligning himself with people I disliked much more then the people they were going up against. But he seemed like a decent enough person
Which is why I was so surprised when he went absolutely apeshit on Cassandra out of nowhere. I don't know if Alex figured he should do something he considered was awesome because he's a lawyer, but he just ended up looking like a total prick because of it. His accusation that Cassandra simply used Stacy to her benefit until she didn't need her anymore was so illogical it was like watching an episode of Nancy Grace. Just making up wild accusations all over the place and waiting to see what would stick. And instead of listening to her defense, Alex took his senseless attitude a step further and basically did everything in his verbal power to make sure no one had any idea what she was saying.
"You are mistaken! It doesn't matter! I have all the information! You don't get to speak!"
And then he says 'maybe if I said it in Spanish! Edgardo, would you like to translate?!?!?!' which wasn't just stupid, but made no fucking sense. The entire scene made so little sense I'm not entirely sure there wasn't something we didn't get to see off camera. But given the way Alex was, the way Cassandra was, and how little Stacy seemed to care about whatever awful thing Cassandra did to her, I'm willing to bet this was just Alex using his final on camera moments to try and look like some sort of wicked, badass lawyer but just ended up being another Rocky. It might have been Alex's one true 'ugly' moment, but it's so bad he jumps straight to the bottom of the pile.
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