Jesus Christ do I hate this guy. I really hate this guy. I hate this guy! I hate his voice, I hate the way he talks, I hate his attitude, I hate his shit-eating grin, I hate his philosophy on life, I hate that he still has life. I haaaaaaaate Judd.
In fact, I'd say the only good thing that came out of Judd was miserably failing at multiple things because of what a huge dumbass he was. Case and point: the first hidden immunity idol. At TC, Jeff asks Judd if he has some sort of morale compass when he plays the game. Rather then just replying 'no', Judd decides to make a big show of it and ramble about how he's never lied but everyone else is lying all over the place. When pressed, he continues by calling out Gary and saying Gary is making deals with everyone he can when Gary, in an example of pure brilliance, calls Judd out on his own lie about where the HII was hidden. Judd has no choice but to smirk, use 'I'm a bad liar' as an excuse for everyone to forgive him, and put on his best shit-eating grin.
That moment is only fun cause it was at Judd's expense though, which, unfortunately, didn't happen too often. Watching Judd outright bully Margaret and then rub salt in her wounds when she was voted out was disgusting. Having him blow up at everyone after he stole someone else's beer and get all defensive about it only to have an interview where 'he deserves more beer then the rest of them' made me want to shove his arm through a table saw. Hearing him say 'man' at the end of every FUCKING sentence was like getting hit in the temple by a sledgehammer.
I had a cigarette after his demise. Was sooooooo good to watch.
Alicia Rosa (One World)
Colton's awful partner in crime.
The main thing that made me really despise Alicia was her weird way of bitching about how awful Christina was after she went to the men and negotiated a way to get them to help them out. You remember how awful those women were doing at the start of the game? I sure as hell do. I remember the women were just flat out helping themselves into the mens camp and sitting by their fire to the point the men had to tell them ''re our enemy. You have to go.' And then I remember Chelsea getting all pissed off about it and sobbing about how cold her hands were and saying the men were just so mean for not just giving them free stuff. They were miserable. So Christina decided to help out the team by swallowing her pride and asking if the men would make them a fire and in return the ladies would roll up some palms. Sounded reasonable. So Alicia interviews how happy she is that they finally figured out a plan to get something they so desperately needed right? Of course not. Instead she complains that Christina is being too nicey nice and Alicia wants to weave the palms at her camp, not the mens.
Now I wasn't completely in love with the way the guys treated the women (stealing an ax, asking them to get naked and all that), but this was the only scene I can remember where the women actually made progress with getting the dumbasses to help them. I thought that was pretty cool, but Alicia was such a PoS that she decided to make the whole situation an issue. How and why would you take 'hey we're finally getting fire' into 'I want to punch Christina in the face for trying to make nice with the the other team'? That's what crappy people do.
Of course, she only got worse. She not only cackled hilariously at Coltons nasty comments, but actually tried to be a bigger shit stain then him. She deliberately tried to be the biggest headache she could be by leaving little to no room for Christina in the shelter, calling her nasty names, and even comparing her to her special needs students. Stay classy Alicia.
I'd say fuck her, but I'd hope people would have better standards then that.
Joel Anderson (Fans vs Favorites)
I said it once before and I'll say it again: Joel single-handedly destroyed his tribe way more than Russell Hantz ever did. And that infuriates me.
I was really rooting for the Fans in Micronesia. I truly was. I didn't want to see a whole season of the veterans mopping up the floor with the noobs. But thanks to Joel's shitty attitude, low IQ, and piss poor strategy, he couldn't of paved the roads for the favorites any better if he knocked out the kneecaps of his teammates with lead pipes.
There was zero keeping Chet over Mary and Mikey. I can appreciate taking out a threat in the game, but on day 6? What the fuck sense does it make? Mikey could not have phrased it any better: Joel was too busy playing a long-term game and not playing a team vs team game that would help keep his team united and help him later on down the road. And what was the huge plan that Joel became so intimated by it warranted an entire game suicide? A simple idol split. That's right. Parvati is partially a millionaire because Mikey had the kuh-razy idear to split the votes a specific way due to an idol. Not even a hidden idol. In other words, 'smart man make big sense. Smart man scare Joel! Help me team Joel team. Joel can't think too much cuz it make Joel brain itch.' I will not understand why you would want to make your majority alliance smaller and keep the minority alliance who hates you all over one meh move thought up by another guy.
And can I just take a minute to say how much I loooooooooove the fact that his poor strategic game came to bite him in the ass? He righteously got what he deserved. An early and humiliating kick in the ass on the way out the door by the very people he despised.
That's Agent Lex's Top 10 most disliked Survivors.
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