Monday, June 2, 2014

Phillip Sheppard (Redemption Island, Caramoan)

Over 400 players to choose from and yet the choice for 'most disliked, vile disgrace of a human being' couldn't of been more easy. There are many reasons to hate Phillip but I think what it all boils down too is he is not a person who loves Survivor; he's not a person who came to have an adventure; hell, I don't even think he gives a shit about winning a million dollars. He's just a man who loooooooooooves being in the spotlight (as if walking around in pink tighty whities isn't enough of a clue). He's a man who relishes in the in the sun and spouts dumb stupid shit cause it's the best way he can guarantee himself extra TV time. Every one of his personal interviews is about a vision he had or about whooping kids in basketball or how he's just so smart and everyone else doesn't respect him and blah blah blah. You can even see it in the way he performs in challenges: yelling 'tribal screams' at players (and fuck that editor who made it look like it was working) and his showboating behavior as he threw bags at boxes.

But Phillips not only a guy who loves to ear rape you by flapping his gums. No, his lack of IQ also makes him a terrible Survivor player. Now there isn't anything particularly wrong with being a bad Survivor player, some people just don't have the chops. But Phillip can't admit defeat, oh no, he has to go around and make everyone know he's right and you're wrong with his piss poor argument that he 'studied under the game of Boston Rob' which um...a) no you didn't, b) even if you did, it's not what you should be doing, c) even if you did, you're doing it wrong and a bunch of other flawed reasons that we don't have time or letters in the alphabet for.

But the worst thing, the WORST FUCKIN THING about Phillip is he's a man who does not accept responsibility for his actions. The perfect example were his accusations of racism towards Steve for having the gull to tell Phillip to stop being such lunatic. After making it his personal mission to make the former Zapatera members as miserable as he could by outcasting and verbally thrashing them on a regular basis, Phillip decides he's entitled to a portion of the rice they brought over despite the former Ometepe members not even sharing their shelter with them, because in Phillips world, it's only fair to share everything equally except for the stuff his team won on his own. When Steve steps up and tells him they should at least console another member of their group on it, Phillip responds the only way we expect Phillip too and goes fuckin ballistic. Steve tells Phillip to stop acting crazy and BOOM! Phillip is pulling out the race card and throwing a whole bunch of stupid bullshit to anyone willing to give him the time of day.

Now I want to be careful with the way I phrase this cause racism is a real thing and as a white male, I don't want to act as though I pretend to know more about it than people within the ethnic minority, but as someone with an opinion on this particular incident, I find this behavior atrocious. Phillip gets to yell, scream, kick, and whine all damned day about getting his way and when somebody finally calls him out on his behavior, Phillip gets out of it the only way he knows how by taking a sensitive subject like racism and throwing it back in their face. He doesn't have to explain his disgusting behavior, it puts the attention on somebody else; and Phillip gets to walk away feeling like he didn't do anything wrong. Oh yeah, and he goes ahead and steals the rice out of the container anyway cause hey, he's already made himself out to be an ass so he might as well go the full mile right?

Phillip isn't just the worst kind of Survivor, he's the worst kind of person. As Malcolm said, he takes the fun out of a game, not only for the players, but to the viewers as well. Fuck you Phillip Sheppard. I hope to never see you within 100 miles of this show ever again.

So there you are, the first entry in the ranking. Promise not all of them will be this long, but there is so much wrong with Phillip, it couldn't be explained in a single paragraph.

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