Friday, August 21, 2015

Vince Sly (Worlds Apart)


Okay, okay. Now I know this blog usually ranks people who I believe are low in character and Vince is among those people, don't get me wrong. But I'll be damned if I didn't have fun at his expense and it was one of my favorite moments in the season.

Before becoming similar to characters in Silence in the Lambs, Vince was a pretty douch-y hippy. He loved talking about what an amazing person he was and he had such a great spirit and great mind and he super really connected with his tribemate, Jenn, who just so happened to be the young, attractive, free-loving hippy. And then Jenn became much more enthralled with the much nicer, cooler alpha male Joe and poor Vince just couldn't have that.

And then....ugh...the scene he's in when he confronts Jenn made me legit scared for her to be camping with this loon. First he interrogates her on whether the girl is ATTRACTED to Joe cuz there's nothing wrong with bringing something like that up out of the blue. And then his face! When she makes him feel secure again, he wraps her in a hug and makes a face that would cause a girl to instinctively wrap their fingers around the pepper spray ASAP. It would've made for a really uncomfortable scenario if Jenn didn't totally have such a 'ugh, I deal with weirdos like this on a daily basis it's whatever' attitude about it and vote his ass far away from her as possible the first chance she got. It made a great moment in the season, so Vince gets a little higher on the shit pile of the awful people this season. But still in the shit pile nonetheless.

Whitney Duncan (South Pacific)

While she wasn't the most hated person on the season Whitney was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had in a Survivor cast.

No one even pretended to be surprised when a member of Russell Hantz's family turned out to be just as unstable as he was, but Whitney was someone I was instantly drawn too. She was from Nashville, Tennessee (one of my favorite places) and a country singer, which I thought was very cool. At a time right after Redemption Island vomited onto our screen and the season was following it's awful 'veteran within a season of noobies' trend, she seemed to be a bright spot in the cast reveal.

Ironically, Whitney turned out to be one of the few South Pacific cast members I can't stand. She ended up being a lapdog for the douche alpha male and barely had any personality beyond that. And no, you can't even give her the 'she was using Keith for her own personal gain' card, unless that 'personal gain' is giving him access to her crotch area. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Whitney fucked (or at least had a relationship with) some tool on TV. Which wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't already married before she left to the island. Oh, and knowing full well that she's doing this, she has the BIGGEST cajones to berate Cochran for BETRAYAL of all things. What a horrid piece of awful.

And no, I don't include her loose marriage promises involved with my low ranking of her. Even without that knowledge, she still comes off as a pathetic whiner at best and a sore loser at worst.

Christa Hastie (Pearl Islands)

Christa had the voice of someone who sounded as though they were trying to talk without breathing out their nose. It was extremely annoying.

No really, that's like almost the entire reason I dislike Christa so much. That's not to say she didn't have an unlikable personality on top of it, but her agonizing voice just made me grow so much more disdain for her. I know that statement may be controversial, but I don't know where this 'good girl cutie blond' version of her is coming from with her fans cuz she was awful. The best example being with Christa asking Lillian a jury question in a matter that made it clear she clearly disliked Lillian and was going to vote for her close friend Sandra which Lillian would've understood anyway. But no, Christa had to be a piece of crap about it and scoff at her answer in a condescending way, but we all know Lillian couldn't win for losing with this sour grape.

Lindsey Cascaddan (Worlds Apart)

What? We're already back in Worlds Apart?

You see that thing on Lindsey's face? That's an actual tattoo. I'm not kidding. This girl actually chose of her own free will to walk into a tattoo parlor and say out loud 'I want to get a permanent, colorful mark on my face.' I assume she paid for it with real money. And while physical appearance has little to nothing to do with being a likable Survivor cast member, her inner beauty also matched her outer beauty in demonstrating her awful decisions.

I don't get what it is with people who feel they have to needlessly bark loudly about their religious and political views. The moment I'm speaking about was Lindsey bickering with Mike after he questioned her on her work ethic and her argument against him consisted of 'you think this fire got here because YOUR God put it there?'

To be clear, I don't have an issue with Lindsey being an atheist. But I don't like it when Jehovah witnesses knock on my door and get mad at me when I don't know the answer to their Bible trivia and I don't like it when someone points out to someone who wasn't asking about it that 'you are incorrect and YOU believe in God and I don't!' It just rubbed me the wrong way.

But don't worry, Lindsey sucks for other reasons. Mainly her loose mouth which she used to ramble at her only TC (think someone saying "ONE OF US IN THIS GROUP WILL WIN THE MONEY PROBST. WHETHER I'M VOTED OUT OR HE'S VOTED OUT. I FEEL VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS" only 50 words longer). She's also dumb enough to think there is purpose in arguing with Rodney who has the intelligence of a potato and the maturity of steroid using preschooler with low self-esteem so who the fuck cares what he thinks on anything?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

JP Calderon (Cook Islands)

Hey ladies. Good news: lots of pics of this guy in his underwear. Bad news: he's gay...

It's hard to not think of any memory of JP where he isn't being anything other than a total douche. In fact, that's kind of everything there ever was to JP as a character. First, he was in complete agreement with Ozzy's bonehead plan to lose a challenge on purpose to get rid of Billy. When Billy catches onto the plan, he talks about it at his doom TC where as it turns out, having your team want to rid of you so badly they lose a challenge on purpose kind of makes you feel like crap. True to his douchebag nature, JP scoffs at Billy saying he's trying way too hard to make himself a victim knowing full well Billy was going home. Like, what? You can't let a losing player speak his final thoughts?

Next, in a true fashion of justice, JP fucks himself over with his douche behavior. Feeling comfortable he won't be going anytime soon cuz muscles, JP takes a load off his feet by sitting on his ass and sniping comments that got on a lot of peoples nerves. Deciding to make an example out of him, many of the ladies on his tribe got rid of him despite the muscles he was advertising and he left with a dropped jaw.

Roger Sexton (Amazon)

Next up is the highly unlikable Roger from Amazon. There is a small part of me that sort of sympathizes with Roger. I'm sure living with a group of men several decades younger then you who would rather talk with their penises then their brains isn't easy. Then I remembered Rodger from Australia, Jake from Thailand, and Butch in the same season and remember they did it just fine and he goes back on my shit list.

Roger was just a cranky old guy who had a specific way on doing practically everything. If you had a different way on doing it, he had no problem telling you it was wrong in a way that made you feel he thought you were a dumbass. When Roger wasn't barking orders, he was barking his political views on gay marriage and gender equality. That went about as well as you might expect for him. Regardless of which side of alliances you were rooting for, I think everyone got just a little bit of glee when Roger received a landslide of votes he didn't even know he'd be getting.

Stacey Stillman (Borneo)

There really wasn't too much to Stacey other than she didn't like working a lot and that meant she didn't like bossy Rudy a lot which means she didn't really have a lot of moments that wasn't her snotting off about how disrespected she felt from mean, ol Rudy. It just made her come off as a lazy bitch. It didn't help her case that Sue chose not to go with the girl power strategy due to her lazy attitude as well. The only thing that separated her from Australian Jerri was Stacey's attitude was so bad they couldn't stomach keeping her over the million year old man for more than 9 days, thus she never got the negative popularity Jerri received.

....what's that? Her court case? Well, by my rule I don't factor it into her ranking, but honestly I think Stacey is just being a sore loser. I'm not sure how anyone can say they are so certain everyone had their minds made up until a producer somewhere interfered. But who knows? I could very well be wrong. Whatever the case, I don't find her to be a very likable person.

Val Collins (San Juan del Sur)

I'm sure there are many people out there who will be surprised that my least favorite SJDS cast member isn't the infamous John Rocker (more on him later), but Val turned out to be a huge disappointment. I thought for certain a cop who's been married to a fireman would come into Survivor with a strong competitive spirit and be able to hold her own in challenges.

Not only did she fail to do well physically in challenges, but she failed to play a good mental game as well. For whatever reason, Val decided to burn a bridge for a potential ally by lying to him about having idols she didn't have. You'd think being a cop, Val knew the common sense of if you're gonna threaten someone with an empty gun, you run the risk of them calling your bluff. If being a poor competitor wasn't enough, Val decided to also show she could be a mean bully when she attempted to make Baylor look like a liar and a fake by spewing stories about things Baylor did and said. The problem was Val was so unnecessarily nasty about it, she just came off as a sore loser lunatic who only wanted to get one last jab into making a young girl feel bad.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Survivor Round Up

So if is to be believed, I started this Survivor rank a little over a year ago and so far we've got.....50 Survivors in the bank.

So progress isn't exactly going at Sonic the Hedgehog speed but I still plan on chipping away. And 50 seems like a solid number to do a brief wrap up of who my most disliked Survivors.

1) Phillip Sheppard (Redemption Island, Caramoan)